The Wizard of the Silver Ball
”Ever since I was a young boyI’ve played the silver ball.” In the 1960s, many a child was enthralled for good when a Fortuna game emerged from the large package plucked from beneath the Christmas […]
”Ever since I was a young boyI’ve played the silver ball.” In the 1960s, many a child was enthralled for good when a Fortuna game emerged from the large package plucked from beneath the Christmas […]
Toinen lääkäri – Robert Ramberg, ole hyvä ja käy sisään. Huomenta. – Huomenta. Anteeksi, en saanut sukunimestäsi puhelimessa selvää. – Haha. Ei se mitään. Se on vähän vaikea. Minun nimeni Ekaterina, voit kutsua minua Katjaksi. […]